Do you know the knights of modern times? Since the Middle Ages, men and women who proudly ride their horses have been admired, respected, and feared. Nowadays, this hair has turned into a stainless steel motorcycle and an engin that makes hearts vibrate. With speed, passion, adrenaline, and adventure, bikers have a rich and distinctive lifestyle.
To have a biker style, you first need a motorcycle, usually Honda or Harley Davidson. Leather jackets are the biker’s symbol. They offer protection and an imposing tone, jeans and boots for the lower part of the outfit, and to finalize jewelry like necklaces, bracelets, or especially rings with symbols like the skulls.
Ever wonder why bikers have such a unique style? Why are they noticed from afar and respected? Or maybe you're a fan yourself and are planning to buy your first motorcycle to embrace this thrilling life?
If you're born to ride, you've come to the right place; welcome to Skull Action, the family of enthusiasts who are here to enlighten you on your favorite subjects. We will discover together in this article how to give you an authentic biker style; the biker look will no longer have any secret for you. Let's turn on the Panhead.
The Undeniable Armor Of The Biker: The Leather Jacket
When you're riding at 150 km/h on the highway, you need protection more than you need to look good. That’s why before you build up a style, the leather jacket and pants act as protective armor in case of an accident, the motorcycle does not forgive.
Leather jackets are the key components of a biker's outfit; it can be a short jacket up to the hip with long sleeves or a sleeveless biker jacket, usually with embroidery on the front and back.
Get ready; we are going to describe the main points of a perfect biker jacket:
- A large chest pocket: It is useful to put your smartphone or a road map. Let’s not forget that bikers can travel thousands of kilometers and the GPS of the phones can run out of battery, a paper map is always more reliable.
- Vertical pockets on the sides: these pockets are handy in winter when it's freezing, and bikers want to warm their hands before taking the road 🥶.
- A small pocket: it’s handy for small objects such as keys, USB, or jewelry.
- A beautiful imposing collar: this is purely aesthetic and gives aunthenticity.
- The thickness of the leather jacket: when you're looking for a leather jacket, you don't think about thickness; a biker has to think about it because thickness protects better against the cold and contact with the ground in case of an accident.
There are also pleated seams on the arms and back and a belt on the jacket’s waist. These small details significantly increase the comfort of the coat. Let's specify that it's more about feeling, above all you are looking for a connection with your coat and not only utilities 🥰
The First Motorcycle Jackets
Leather jackets have always existed because this material protects against the cold. In 1913, Irwin and Jack Schotts, two rustic immigrants, founded the company Schott NYC, specializing in the manufacture of waterproof leather jackets. In 1928, Irwin designed and manufactured a short leather raincoat named Perfecto, the name of the genius's favorite cigar brand.
The perfecto became the ally of the aviators. Indeed, during the second world war, the fighter planes were not as elaborate as nowadays, the cold at high altitude was hostile towards the pilots, the jacket is of precious help for these air bikers.
An oblique zipper allows to tie two layers of thick leather to protect against the cold; the pilots had models with long sleeves covering the hands and provided absolute comfort.
The war is finally over, fighter pilots can no longer fly their flying jets, so they turn to two-wheeled bicycles. Naturally, they kept their shield allying air; the leather jacket always accompanied them on the roads. It is unlikely that you will come across a biker who doesn't have a leather jacket in his collection.😎
The Rise Of The Biker's Jacket
Have you ever seen the movie "The Wild One"? In 1953, this film transformed the perfecto’s reputation forever; the actor Marlon Brando plays the role of a motorcycle club leader. In all these appearances, he dresses in a leather jacket. Two years later, James Dean shows himself with the same style in "Rebel Without A Cause.”
At this moment the leather jacket was associated with a rebellious spirit. The real boom of the leather jacket came when Elvis Presley decided to make it his uniform; the perfecto jacket always accompanied him on stage, when he started to become a world famous star, he started decorating his jacket with shiny stones.
The third step in the rise of the leather jacket appeared in the mid-1970s, thanks to the Punk bands. We quote Sex Pistols, this bandleader of the punk movement chose the leather jacket to go on stage; the clothing then became a cult for rock n roll fans.🤘
Nowadays, rebels such as punks, metalheads, or even gothics routinely wear leather jackets.
Biker Uniforms, Sleeveless Leather Jackets
You've already come across biker clubs with identical sleeveless jackets; it’s a full-fledged biker style uniform. Of course, other accessories are just as necessary, like skull belts, leather boots, and jeans or leather pants.
Earlier, we revealed that the primary function of the jacket is to protect against falls and accidents. Indeed, leather is a material that is very resistant to friction, cold, and roominess, making it the perfect partner for a biker's life. Bikers who are part of a club prefer to display their tattoos on their arms, and at worst, if they fall, they will have scratches on their arms, but their organs remain protected. Real badass, huh? 💪
With time, the biker vest has become a uniform, a way to express one belongs to a biker club; we can quote many of them like the most famous Hells Angels, Bandidos, Mongols, Rebels, Pagans, Red Devils, Sons Of Silence, Road Knights and the list goes on and on.
The second use of the biker vest is that it is more pleasant to ride a motorcycle in the summer, especially on Road 66 that crosses the Nevada desert; it is one of the most emblematic roads in the world of bikers.
On leather badges, bikers sew patches to affirm their membership or not to clubs. Some prefer to play solo by writing "Lone Wolf" on their patches. Usually, on the front, there is the rank and name of the club. On the back , the logo, name, and location of the club to which the biker belongs. Some patches are used for convenience, such as blood types.
What Is The Role Of The Jacket’s Patch?
In the United States, the first biker clubs began to stand out and express their belonging to their respective groups. Embroidered patches on a leather or denim vest, for some, allow the wearer's identity to be asserted.
This clothing tradition has spread all over the world. On the back of the vest, the upper part bears the name of the biker club; in the central part displays a large and imposing logo that represents the club's brand.
At the very bottom, the place to which the biker is assigned, for example for the hells angels, we can find the mention of California, Lasvegas, Berlin, Paris, etc. because the hells angels are an international biker club and have a presence all around the globe 🌎.
The more patches the leather has, the higher the biker is ranked in his group. The organization entitles the officers to sit around a table and vote on club projects'b projects’ variou imperative to be able to drive to vote, No ride No vote.
As we have just mentioned, there are several grades and statuses in a club. Let's see what the different patches mean according to their inscriptions and their location on the biker's outfit. 😎
Many bikers get patches made with their name or nickname. This patch is always placed on the chest, next to the patches indicating status, club location, etc. Here are the different grades of people wearing the colors of a club :
- A "nomad" is a member of a club who is entitled to wear the club’s colors. However, unlike other members, a nomad does not belong to a particular section of a club. He rides alone. The nomad attends club meetings in different locations and pays dues where their journey takes him or her. He is only a "spectator" or "fan" of the club.
- A "Lone Rider" is a person who shares the values of outlaw life but, at the same time, prefers to be free from the club hierarchy, i.e. does not belong to any particular club.
- The "president" is the head of a club or section. Usually this is an elected position. A president is responsible for the overall strategic management of a club; He maintains relationships with other clubs, officials, etc.
- The "vice-president" is therefore the club’s vice-president of a club replacing the president in the event of the president's absence or death (prior to the election).
- The "treasurer" is responsible for the financial affairs of a club. That is, he collects membership dues, pays bills, controls cash flow, and so on. He is also responsible for the club's colors and other crests. He keeps records, prevents the issuance and return of badges by former members.
- The "sergeant-at-arms" is a vice-president in charge of security. His duties include overseeing club members' compliance with the charter and rules. He also ensures that a healthy atmosphere is maintained within the club and during the various activities. In most clubs, the sergeant is responsible for protecting and storing the badges and their preservation.
- The "road captain" is the leader of the movement during group outings. He builds a route with speed and convenience in mind. And this in all senses of the word: movement, availability of gas stations, leisure areas, etc. This position can be permanent or assigned to specific rides.
The colors of the club are sacred to the bikers. A biker must always honor the colors of his club, even if he does not wear his crest all the time. So you, too, choose your club and decorate your jacket to get a real biker style! 👊
The must-have symbols of the biker
In bikers world, there are three symbols that predominate; they appear on club logos, jewelry, and accessories worn by riders.
The Skulls
The skull is a very intuitive symbol to refer to death and danger; bikers use it to protect against accidents caused by speed on the handlebars. Simultaneously, using the skull, they send the following message "Not afraid of death.”
A legend tells that death leaves a skull mark on a person by taking her life; if a person has a skull tattoo or human skulls in the form of jewelry or accessories, death can pass his way and spare him 💀.
The One Percent “1%”
It is the ultimate symbol of the rebel biker. The head of the American motorcycling association AMA stated that bikers are people who respect the law, but as with any population, 1% of them are outlaws.
Since those words, some bikers proudly express their rebellion by claiming to belong to the 1% who don't respect the law, usually with rings or tattoos.
The Iron Cross
The first cross to find its place in biker jewelry is the Iron Cross: the German army’s highest military distinction. The American soldiers appropriated the emblem of the defeated soldiers as trophies. Back in the United States, society had changed. These war heroes no longer find their place in life. They began to protest and put iron crosses on their clothes as a sign of rebellion.
With time, the iron cross spread among the bikers. Today, called the "Maltese Cross", it has lost its original meaning and has become an essential part of the biker culture. These are not the only crosses immortalized in biker rings. The Templar, Latin, Celtic, and many other crosses are also very present in the environment.
The famous leather boots
It is more important for a biker to have practical clothes than fashionable ones; that’s what makes the clothing style of two-wheeler riders so special. To shift gears on a motorcycle, you have to use these feet; they not only have to be mobile but above all, they have to be protected against rubbing on the steel levers.
The leather box combines all these adventures, which makes it the essential shoe of the biker. What's more, they are timeless. In short, military boots are ideal for a biker because they are thick with a non-slip sole and optimal protection against the icy cold of the wind in winter.
The Blue Jeans
In commercials, you may be used to seeing bikers with tight jeans to make a hot style; This happens very rarely. With leather jackets or shoes, the primary function of bikers' clothing is protection and comfort, straight cut jeans provide more mobility of movement and protection against friction.
It is not surprising to find a biker with jeans stained with motor oil or slightly torn or worn out due to friction with mechanical parts; bikers wear theaccumulating,m proudly.
The Leather Pants
Some motorcyclists prefer leather pants. They require little maintenance: moisture, dirt, and dust that accumulates on the pants can simply be wiped off with a damp cloth, and the pants look like new again. They have the enormous advantage of protection in case of falls. When a biker falls off his motorcycle, the leather pants prevent serious injuries. Moreover, in winter, they are much warmer than jeans. 👖
As with leather jackets, the "thicker the better" rule applies to leather pants. When choosing appropriate pants for your walks, you should carefully examine the seams.
The Famous Bandana, The Biker Mask
Bandanas are part of the biker's uniform, its practical role is to protect against wind and dust on the road, it can also be decorated with skull shapes or club membership logos.
The Leather Gloves
Gloves are essential for riding a motorcycle. Not only will it protect the driver in case of an accident, but also, as you avoid driving a car barefoot, you avoid handling the handlebars of a bike without gloves, it prevents slipping due to sweat. Leather gloves are perfect to protect against wind and cold 🥶, especially since they are durable over time.
Can Women Dress Up As Bikers?
The outfits to adopt to have a biker style are not gender specific. We find almost the same clothes for a woman who is a motorcycle fanatic. However, women also come to impose their look to show their love of motorcycling by sometimes adding a feminine touch to their outfits!
The elements of the biker style for women almost always consist of a leather jacket, leather pants or shorts, gloves, skull t-shirts, belts, leather bags with bangs, high boots or leather vests. 🤙
Women's jackets are often sewn from fine leather, leather, lacquered fabric and other materials that are generally thinner and lighter than those used for men. One of the things these jackets always have in common is the asymmetrical zipper. Women's biker-style jackets are often worn over t-shirts with aggressive designs. The colors of such jackets can also vary, but it is mainly the color black that is most important.
Leather pants or shorts in summer can be worn with blouses, a woman with a biker style will opt for jewelry such as necklaces, earrings, or accessories such as belts, handbag pendants, chains on boots etc...
When will you have your first motorcycle as a young biker?
If you're still reading these words it means you've hung in with us until the end, now the biker look has no secrets for you, not only will you be able to better understand bikers when you meet them, but also, adopt your own style of badass.
We will miss you, and we don't want to let you leave with nothing, we suggest you discover our collection of skull T-shirts, the perfect way to impose your style with pride, there is something for every taste and for every color, just click on the image below and let your instinct guide you.